We specialise in producing bespoke training services for the worldwide SAR community. We have first-hand operational and training backgrounds so can speak from experience on the demands and expectations of operating in hazardous, dynamic and often life-critical conditions.
We can analyse your specific environment, make recommendations and tailor a training programme that considers your relevant regulatory framework, operational requirements and contractual obligations. We can train remotely or on site.
Our training programmes include:
- SAR Aviation and Tasking Course
- National SAR Plan Development
- SAR Safety Management Syatems, Risk Management and Management of Change
- SAR Standards and Regulation Introduction
- Auditing Techniques for SAR Oversight
- Unmanned Aircraft Syatems (UAS) in National and Regional SAR Frameworks
- Search and Rescue Excercise (SAREX) Techniques
- SAR AOC Management Course

In Europe we have exclusively collaborated to deliver these courses in association with the JAA Training Organisation