Government SAR Stakeholder Support

SAR International Ltd has experience of conducting State SAR Framework reviews, National SAR Plan construction/assistance and IAMSAR Vol I Appendix H audits for Government departments and National Coast Guards.

SAR System Recommended Best Practise

A State’s National Search and Rescue Service will often include the requirement for an aviation SAR services contract, traditionally through military support, but increasingly through civilian air operator contracts. Search and Rescue International Ltd can support Nations civilianising their military SAR framework, or updating their current civilian SAR framework by conducting an IAMSAR Vol I Appendix H – National self-assessment of the search and rescue system, SAR Framework Review, National SAR Plan Review and advising on civil SAR contract construction.

national sar framework Review

Don’t let an accident be the catalyst to review your SAR Framework or National SAR Plan.

A Nation embarking on civilianising its military SAR framework or updating its current civilian SAR framework needs to establish a robust foundation to build upon which eventually leads to civil SAR contracts with potentially several SAR stakeholders – aviation, maritime and land facilities and units.


Image of a winchman on the end of a SAR helicopter cable

National SAR Framework


 How robust is your :


  • National SAR Plan?


  • National SAR Committee?


  • SAR Legislation?


  • SAR Oversight?

Prevent legal and safety exposure by conducting a SAR Framework Review before an accident forces one

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come and Say Hello!

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