We are a full service

Specialist SAR Consultants

Adding safety, adding capability, adding value

What we do

Search and Rescue International Ltd provides worldwide consultancy and training services to the international search and rescue community.

We specialise in partnering with Government Departments, Civil Aviation Authorities, Coast Guards, SAR Operators and international SAR stakeholders to facilitate the development, training and introduction of SAR legislation, National SAR Plans, SAR stakeholder operations manuals, training and checking programmes and audit/inspection schedules that promotes continuous improvement,  cultural awareness and SAR system integration.

Our aim is to facilitate International, National and SAR stakeholder requirements to enhance safety management, compliance monitoring and quality assurance systems to add safety, capability and value to this most demanding of environments.

Image of a winchman on the end of a SAR helicopter cable

Civil Aviation Authority Support

ICAO places Search and Rescue under ‘Air Navigation Services ‘and not under ‘Flight Safety Standards’ or ‘Aircraft Operations’, (Doc 9734). Therefore, no SAR SARPs exist to assist State civil aviation authorities to construct civil SAR rules as part of their SAR system obligations.

Search and Rescue International Ltd has the competencies to fill this gap.

Click/tap here to find out more

Image of a SAR winchman on the cable with a stretcher

Government SAR Stakeholder Support

Search and Rescue International Ltd has experience of conducting State SAR Framework reviews, National SAR Plan construction/assistance and IAMSAR Vol I Appendix H audits for Government departments and National Coast Guards.

‘An accident should not be the catalyst for a SAR System Review’

Click/tap here to find out more

SAR pilot alongside lifeboat

Search and Rescue Operator Support

All operational SAR stakeholders should demonstrate legal and safety compliance with the appropriate requirements of the National SAR Plan, National Aviation SAR rules and/or meet their contractual obligations in their life-saving roles as a national or international emergency service.

Click/tap here to find out how Search and Rescue International Ltd can help

Why we are different

We have first-hand experience of sitting in the SAR commander’s seat at night in bad weather rescuing a casualty from a life-threatening situation; we have managed SAR bases and SAR contracts and have trained the specialist personnel to be competent in their exacting disciplines; we have developed and managed SAR standards and policies at director level in major international SAR operators and we have written the SAR rules that National SAR operators must comply with when operating in this most demanding of environments.


We have almost one hundred years of aviation experience, twenty-five years of business ownership and twenty thousand hours in the cockpit on SAR, commercial air transport, training, charter, and military operations.

Our Skills

We understand the dynamic requirements of reacting efficiently and effectively in a constantly changing landscape and have organised ourselves to have availability, resilience, agility and response times appropriate to our client’s requirements.

  • SAR Safety Management System Integration


  • State SAR Framework Review


  • SAR Performance Assessment


  • SAR Contract Construction and Compliance

Search and Rescue International Ltd can assist in addressing  legal and safety exposure by working with SAR stakeholders in a proactive manner to integrate appropriate system mitigations in a robust manner

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